Monday, December 26, 2011
Doctor Who: The Doctor, The Widow, And The Wardrobe
This years Christmas special wasn't the best I've seen. In fact, compared to the previous specials I found this years pretty lacking. Usually Doctor Who Christmas specials are exciting which is what makes them so great. This year however seemed to be more focused on family and loved ones. It was one of those rare episodes in the series where no one dies. It had a completely happy ending. I wont go into details as to what had happened in the special for it defeats the purpose of watching it. So if you can find it online then I'd recommend you do. It may not have been the best, but it's still worth watching at least once. I just hope next Christmas will be more exciting than this year's special.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
You Know The World Has Gone Insane When...
I just created my very first greeting card! :D. Perfect for the New Year's! So be sure to get yours before it's too late! :D And try to stay sane this year. :3
Friday, December 23, 2011
GoDaddy Supports SOPA... WTF!?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Send A Personalized Video From Santa!
Google has just launched a new feature just in time for Christmas. Now you can send anyone a personalized cartoon video featuring Santa Clause. You just fill in the forms and then send it to either the recipients email address, google+, or to his/her phone. I would recommend you choose the video option instead, I can only imagine the "WTF" look on a person's face when they suddenly receive a call from an automated Santa that knows your name. Not to mention that the cartoon is simply something you'd rather not have anyone miss. Did I forget to mention it's free? Who doesn't love free crap? So hurry up and start sending your own personalized videos from Santa Clause! :D
Send a Santa video
Monday, December 19, 2011
Supernatural: The Leviathans
As all Supernatural fans now know, the Leviathans are the new enemy in the show. They are the first beast that God had created, they're even older than souls. Since they were constantly consuming everything, God decided to create Purgatory and seal the Leviathans inside. This way God would be able to create more creatures without having to worry that the Leviathans would eat them. Due to Castiel's decision to absorb all of Purgatory's souls for power he ended up taking in the Leviathans as well. Now they are free and plotting something big which has yet to be revealed.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Zombies Heart T-Shirt! :D
Ladies and gentlemen and fellow followers of my epic rants. I am proud to announce a brand new design for my RantersShop. I present to you the "Zombie Heart" T-Shirt. Now you too can be a zombie! :D Just don't preach to "Customer" or he'll kick your ass. Lol XD.
Monday, December 12, 2011
How To Make Poutine
Poutine is a delicious dish made of french fries, cheese curds, and gravy. Sometime other ingredients are added as well, e.g, beef, pulled pork, and/or lamb. This dish originated in Quebec, Canada, in the late 1950's. Many have claimed to be the inventor of this yummy treat, but it is still unclear as to who actually created it. My best friend is the one who actually introduced me to this dish and I love it. If you haven't had it yet then here's how to make it.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
World Of Warcraft: Starter Edition
So I recently began playing the World of Warcraft trial. As most of you should all know, the new starter edition lets you play up to level 20 for free. This means that once you reach level 20 you wont gain anymore experience. You can still continue to play the game, but seems pointless if you can't get any stronger. You also can't create a party, I don't know if you can still be invited into one yet. The maximum amount of gold you can hold is 10. You can't create nor join guilds either. Voice chat is disabled as well. All these restrictions and the game is still fun to play.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Person Of Interest
Person of Interest is a new show that aires on CBS channel 2 every Thursday at 9:00 P.M. There are very few shows that actually catch my interest and I gotta say that this is one of them. Person of Interest is about a man named Mr. Finch who invented a machine that can spy on everything we do to pre-determine terrorist attacks.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Two And A Half Men: Walden
(source: |
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
If you're looking for a way to boost your traffic to your site, you can go to Google and find tons of ways to increase your web traffic. One of the suggestions would be to write articles so that when people read them they'll find their way to you website. Hubpages is one of those suggested sites. If you're looking to gain traffic then writing posts on that site will give you a few hits. However, I wouldn't recommend you even bother with this website to begin with.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Stumble Upon: Brand New Look
It seems that lately almost every website that I normally visit is having a makeover. Stumble Upon just recently revamped it's entire site. Even it's logo/favicon is different now. So far I'm liking the new interface; it looks clean and simple. It is now also easier to stumble through your interests. A new explorer bar has been added to the stumble bar so you can simply type in an interest while you're stumbling.
Check out StumbleUpon's brand new look and tell me what you think.
Check out StumbleUpon's brand new look and tell me what you think.
Contact Me
I've just installed a new feature onto Ranters Review. Now you can all contact me directly all thanks to the "Contact Me" form. This feature is also installed onto the "Wibiya" toolbar I have below. So no matter where you are on my site you can simply click the "Contact Me" button on the toolbar and send me a message without it interrupting what ever it is you're doing on the site.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
YouTube's Brand New Look
As many of you have noticed by now, YouTube has gotten a makeover. While most people were unhappy with the change, I personally like it. People get too accustomed to certain things and don't like change. When it comes to a website however, change is usually good. Of course I'm not even mentioning Myspace and Facebook for they're bad examples of what I'm trying to point out.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
R.I.P. Bobby Singer
Ladies, gentlemen, and fans of Supernatural in general... It is sad to report that the character known as "Bobby Singer" is dead. At the beginning of the episode, the leader of the leviathans, Dick Roman, shot wildly at Bobby, Sam, and Dean as they were driving to get away. One of the bullets hit Bobby in the head...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The In-Laws
The In-Laws is a hilariously awesome movie to watch. It's about a father who works for the C.I.A. and is juggling his job and his son's wedding at the same time. The father of the bride ends up getting swept up into the agents current case and is basically panicking through out the entire movie trying to get away from him. The C.I.A agent is on a deep undercover mission to steal a smuggler's client list by being the middle man of a submarine purchase deal. The F.B.I. is constantly on their tail for they have no clue as to what's really going on. The agent, while trying to do his job is at the same time trying to get along with his new in-law.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Cyber Monday!
Well as you all already know, today is cyber monday! :D Today is the day that all online stores have great discounts and savings. It's basically Black Friday, but for the internet. So don't forget to check out the Ranters Shop and be sure to buy tons of cool stuff which is on sale now! :D
Christmas Town
So last night I decided to stay up late. I started watching this movie on the Ion channel called "Christmas Town". It's about a single mom who's more devoted to her real estate job than she is to her son and the spirit of Christmas. She and her son end up at Christmas town to see her father and the son discovers that Christmas town is actually Santa's workshop. The whole movie is basically about the mother finding the spirit of Christmas and blah blah blah. This was one of the most boring movies I've ever seen!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Cinnabon Cereal
We've all tried the great taste of Cinnabon. If you've been to a shopping mall then you've most likely have ran across a Cinnabon stand. Cinnabon is simply delicious and irresistable. Everytime I'd go to the mall with my girlfriend we'd always had to have Cinnabon. So when I saw at the supermarket that they had a Cinnabon cereal I immediately grabbed it and bought it. Unfortunately, it was not as tasty as I had hoped...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Dragon Age Legends
While looking through the Google+ games I ran across Dragon Age Legends. Most of you recognize the title for it's originally a console game. However, it would seem that they've made a version for both Facebook and Google+. I've only played the Google+ version, but I'm pretty sure it's not much different than the Facebook version. There aren't many social network games that I actually play, but this is one of the few exceptions.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Gmail's New Look
Most of us who have Gmail most likely already know about it's new look. The interface is sleeker and simpler to use. New features have been added as well like the new search options for find specific emails faster. They've added new themes as well. The old themes still work which made me happy because I didn't want to lose my ninjas. :P
Thursday, November 24, 2011
It hasn't been long since Google announced its new social network. Google has tried many times to create something that'll beat Facebook. Many times they have failed. Most people don't even know what Google Wave was if you were to ask them. Now however, it would seem that Google has finally created what is worthy of being called a social network. Can it beat Facebook? No, but it does have a lot of potential. Google+ is still brand new and just starting out, so for the moment it can't be compared to Facebook.
Ranters Review Soon to Invade YouTube! :D
Ladies, gentlemen, and fellow ranters alike. I'm proud to announce that soon Ranters Review will soon have it's own YouTube channel! What this means is that I will soon start making videos of my rants and review. So you all can see my face and endure my annoying voice bwahahaha! XD. Hopefully my camera wont break down again and I can make tons of videos for Ranters Review! :D Stay tuned for Rant Tube! :P
Happy Thanksgiving! :D
Well my fellow ranters and reviewers around the world. I'd just like to take this time just to say Happy Thanksgiving and don't forget to be grateful for what you have for you never know if and when you'll lose it all.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Modern Warfare 3
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Returning Soon
Hello my fellow fans, followers, and minions! I am briefly posting that Ranters Review will soon come out of it's hiatus. I'm not making any promises thou. At any moment for what ever reason I may have to stop updating, but I don't want my site to just stay idle and gather cyber dust. So always be sure to check back for I will eventually post something new. In the mean time, everyone have a happy thanksgiving! And as for black friday, don't forget to check out the Ranters Shop!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Rant Hiatus
Due to recent circumstances I will not be updating Ranters Review until further notice.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Solstice Reborn
Solstice Reborn is a anime style mmorpg. I have been playing this game for years and have recently reached level 68... And now I am so sick of playing this game.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Chapter Two Finally Finished!
Well there you have it. Video Game Returns has finally finished it's second chapter. And with this brings in a long hiatus as well. Now that the second chapter is finished I'm going to need a long break until I recover my artistic cartooning energy @.@. I'm also going to need time to work on the third chapter. As to when it'll come I haven't decided yet.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Yu-Gi-Oh - Bonds Beyond Time
Yu-Gi-Oh: Bonds Beyond Time is a movie made to celebrate it's 10th anniversary. Watching this movie brought back a lot of memories of when I used to watch the original show and play the tcg (trading card game). This movie was only fifty minutes long. Short, but worth the watch.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Independence Day
Well ladies and gentlemen, today is July 4th. And we all know what that means. That's right, it's Independence Day! :D. Today is the day that the Declaration of Independence was adopted. On July 4, 1776, the United States of America had declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Later today there will be people barbecuing and blowing up firecrackers and such to celebrate this federal holiday. Of course, what we are all looking forward to is the fireworks. The long hours of nearly endless fireworks that will display tonight as celebration to this wonderful holiday. Happy 4th of July! A.k.a The Glorious Fourth! :D
Friday, June 24, 2011
Killzone Liberation
Killzone Liberation is a new psp game I got for free due to the recent PSN cyber attack. It was part of the "Welcome Back Package". The package came with four games, only two where to be picked for free. I originally wanted Little Big Planet, but my psp only has 1 gigabyte of memory while the game required 1.30gb. Killzone was the only game that would've fit in my memory card which is why I chose it. Now, I regret ever even looking at the game.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Social Dating/Networking Mistakes
As I browse through the internet and social networks, I often see the same mistakes over and over again. These mistakes usually make other people on the internet avoid or ignore you. And if you point out these mistakes to them they get all moody and bitchy about it. So since you can't directly tell them of their mistakes, I'm going to rant about it here instead.
Monday, June 20, 2011
VGR: Manga Format
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Angry Birds
Angry Birds is very popular game which has been taken by storm. It is available on PC and most smartphones. I managed to get the game for free through the Google Chrome App Store. After playing a for a few minutes of the game I can see why so many people are addicted to it.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Neko The Kitty
Neko The Kitty is a webcomic made by Gearoid Molloy. It revolves mainly around a cat named Neko who's very cheerful about how he hates everything. This webcomic is very cute and funny. It's also one of the few in which I read throught the entire archive. It took me a whole week, but it was worth it.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Doctor Who: A Good Man Goes To War
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Trailer of "Halo 4" from E3 2011
Ladies and gentlemen and all Halo fans alike! As you all have just seen from the video posted above, there is going to be a Halo 4!!!! :D
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Rin: Daughters Of Mnemosyne
Rin: Daughters Of Mnemosyne is about a private investigator who is immortal. The show starts of in 1990 and progresses onto 2055 within it's six episodes.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Eden Of The East
Eden of the East is about twelve people who have been chosen as Selecao. The Selecao have been specifically chosen by the mysterious Mr. Outside in order to accomplish one goal: To make Japan a better place.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Playstation Network Outage Costs $171 Million
Playstation Network had been down for over three weeks. Not only were PSN users not able to play online and purchase from the PSN store, but all of this had left a pretty hefty toll on Sony.
The recent Playstation Network Outage is estimated to have cost Sony over $171 Million. These are costs not just from PSN users not being able to purchase from PSN online store but from many other expenses as well.
The recent Playstation Network Outage is estimated to have cost Sony over $171 Million. These are costs not just from PSN users not being able to purchase from PSN online store but from many other expenses as well.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
End Of The World?

Ranters Shop Is Back Online!
I am happy to announce that Ranters Review official webstore is now back online! :D
I had recently made the switch from Cafepress to Zazzle and so far I'm like the results. With Cafepress I was a bit limited to what I could do. Now that I'm with Zazzle, there's tons of stuff I can do! :D.
Now I can design the front and back of the T-shirts. Customers can even customize them to their own liking. There's even more stuff that I can do but I'd rather show you than tell you by constantly updating the shop. The shop just looks alot better than the Cafepress version. So be sure to check out the brand new Ranters Shop! :D
I had recently made the switch from Cafepress to Zazzle and so far I'm like the results. With Cafepress I was a bit limited to what I could do. Now that I'm with Zazzle, there's tons of stuff I can do! :D.
Now I can design the front and back of the T-shirts. Customers can even customize them to their own liking. There's even more stuff that I can do but I'd rather show you than tell you by constantly updating the shop. The shop just looks alot better than the Cafepress version. So be sure to check out the brand new Ranters Shop! :D
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Supernatural: Season Six Finale
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Just like the banner above states, Orneryboy is a bout a bitter and angry guy who lives with his vegetarian terminally happy girlfriend and their pet zombie. Yes, you heard right, a pet zombie.
Ranters Shop Is Offline
The Ranters Shop will be unavailable until further notice. The reason for this is that I will be using a new online store as host and will no longer be using Cafepress. I've recently discovered Zazzle and it seems to have more benefits than Cafepress. So until I set up the new shop you wont be able to make any more purchases. But rest assured, I will be bringing the shop back up a.s.a.p.! :D
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Networked Blogs
Networked Blogs is a Facebook application built specifically for blogs. If you have a web log and a facebook fan page for it, then this is the app you want to use.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Smallville Series Finale
At long last, Smallville has finally ended. All I can say is, about damn time. The whole show should've been cancelled alot sooner. When Smallville first started, it was a pretty good show. I used to watch every episode. That was until they completly ruined it.
Verde Coal Oven Artisanal Pizza And Breads
Verde Coal Oven is a pizzeria restaurant in Bushwick New York. Just like the name suggests, the pizza is made using a coal oven. Out of all the pizza I have tasted during my life, this has been the best pizza ever. The building in which the restaurant is built on has plenty of history as well.
Technorati is a blog directory. Through out my internet searches on Google, Technorati was classified as the top blog directory. Basically, if you have a blog then this is the place to submitted to. However, I found all that information to be complete bullshit.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Birthday To Me! :D
Well my fellow worshippers uh I mean readers. Today is a great day for me. Today is the anniversary of my birth. That's right, it's my birthday! And if it wasn't for today, then Ranters Review, Video Game Returns, Nor The Weekend Muffin would have never been born either. So to celebrate, I only ask one thing. All I'm asking for is for all of you to share Ranters Review with all of your friends. It only takes a few seconds to post the sites link onto your Facebook or Twitter. So spread the word and help Ranters Review become more popular. Feel free to wish me happy birthday and give me praise in the comment section below! :D
Thank you all for supporting me and Ranters Review on this great occasion! :D
Thank you all for supporting me and Ranters Review on this great occasion! :D
Saturday, May 7, 2011
PSN Still Down! WTF!?
(video provided by my good friend Pirate Munkee88 owner of Upstate Invasion.)
As you can all see, Playstation Network is still down. They promised they'd be back online on tuesday.... that was two weeks ago. Then, they started getting repeatative claiming that they were going back online on tuesday yet again and again. They keep on mentioning how they're fixing the problem. The problem is, no body cares how your fixing it, just fucking fix it already!
As you can all see, Playstation Network is still down. They promised they'd be back online on tuesday.... that was two weeks ago. Then, they started getting repeatative claiming that they were going back online on tuesday yet again and again. They keep on mentioning how they're fixing the problem. The problem is, no body cares how your fixing it, just fucking fix it already!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Calm Blue Oceans
Calm Blue Oceans is a simple yet entertaining webcomic made by Jesse Cline. (I don't normally mention the authors of the webcomics I review which I should start doing for now on. That's a fail on my part ^^;.) It has no real storyline, no real characters except the author himself and his wife. It's just simple art and simple foundation, yet it works great. The comic is basically a journal in a way as in each comic strip is something the author wishes to express.
As we all know, art is a symbol of expression. Sometimes we can't easily express ourselves as we wish to. So we create art and hope for praise.
Well I give this webcomic big praise. It's simple, funny, and cute. So be sure to check it out! :D
Calm Blue Oceans
As we all know, art is a symbol of expression. Sometimes we can't easily express ourselves as we wish to. So we create art and hope for praise.
Well I give this webcomic big praise. It's simple, funny, and cute. So be sure to check it out! :D
Calm Blue Oceans
How To Make Your Very Own Webcomic
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Keyboard Shortcuts
How many of us out in the world know how to utilized keyboard shortcuts? How many of us even know they exist to begin with? Well here's a simple guide to keyboard shortcut keys that can simplify your life on the computer a little.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Disqus: New Comment System
I've recently installed a brand new comment system onto Ranters Review! :D. Now commenting is a bit easier and fun! And it's all thanks to Disqus a commenting system for websites and blogs such as mine. So don't be shy and go ahead and start a thread! :D
Ding Dong Bin Laden's DEAD!
People have been talking so much shit about Obama when all he's been able to do was clean up Bush's mess. Tonight Obama has taken a big step in doing just that. I just finished watching The President's Speech and he has confirmed that he has accomplished what Bush couldn't. President Obama has killed Osama Bin Laden.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Buni is a depressing yet funny webcomic I ran across on Facebook. Cyanide & Happiness webcomic's Facebook Fan page and website had posted the link to Buni. C&H ended up sending over so much traffic that Buni's servers had crashed.
Doctor Who: Season Six, Silence Shall Fall!
I have just finished watching the second episode of the new season of Doctor Who. This show just keeps getting better and better each season. The first two episodes so far were beyond crazy!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Video Game Returns: Chapter Two: Page Thirteen
Don't forget to check out the latest page out now! :D
Video Game Returns: Chapter Two: Page Thirteen
Video Game Returns: Chapter Two: Page Thirteen
Friday, April 29, 2011
WTF Should I Do With My Life
I recently started a poll within Ranters Review's Facebook Fan Page and then further expanded it to Blogger's awesome forums. The poll was to decide what I shall Rant/blog about next. The choices were: Mortal Kombat 9, Eden of the East, or WTF Should I Do With My life. Well as you can see, the latter won the most votes.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Shadow's Den
Shadow's Den is a webcomic tutorial blog site. It has tons of great resources, tips & tricks, and so much more. So if you're a webcomic artist then this is the site for you.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Why Do Cats Like Cardboard?
I like many people have had this same question in our heads for a long time. Why is it that cats really like cardboard so much? Believe it or not, there are a few simple explanations.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Man Forced To Register As Sex Offenders For Ejaculating In Woman's Water Bottle
So as I'm scrolling down my facebook newsfeed I came across an interesting article that one of my friends posted. A man was arrested, sent to jail for six months, and forced to register as a sex offender. For what you ask? For cumming inside a womans water bottle.
Playstation Network Hacked
So I recently heard that someone had recently hacked the Playstation Network. Due to this incident, PSN has been down for five days now. All because of some low life loser.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Video Game Returns: Chapter Two: Page Twelve
Ladies and Gentlemen the time has finally come! Video Game Returns has finally made it's return! So check it out now! :D
Video Game Returns: Chapter Two: Page Twelve
Video Game Returns: Chapter Two: Page Twelve
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Bench
The Bench is a webcomic which is hosted on Blogger. There's only a few strips up at the moment, but there worth taking a look at. The whole webcomic is focused around a bench just as the title suggests.
The Daily Meme
The Daily Meme is a website all about memes. This website collects different types of memes from all over the internet. You can also submit a meme if you'd like. So what is a meme?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
R.I.P Elisabeth Sladen
I am sad to announce that Elisabeth Sladen, the actress who played Sarah Jane Smith in Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures has died today. She was 63 years old and died from cancer...
Monday, April 18, 2011
Naruto: Mangekyo Sharingan Techniques
As most Naruto fans already know, the Mangekyo Sharingan is the second stage of the Sharingan. Mangekyo Sharingan translates to Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eyes. After unlocking this advanced Sharingan, three new abilities are unlocked as well as a fourth forbidden one.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal
Ok so I have jus been informed that on April 11, 2011 in Japan that a brand new Yu Gi Oh series has aired.... Are you serious!? How many more series do you really need!? This is just getting way out of hand like with Digimon.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
VGR: Making A Return!
Well my fellow fans of Video Game Returns. I have wonderful news! My webcomic will soon start releasing again starting on April 23rd!
Customer will hopefully finally deal with the weird characters that keep getting in his way of returning a broken video game. I'm almost done with this chapter too. One can only imagine what's to come next on VGR!
Thank you all for being patient. Just a little bit more and you'll be able to get your fix soon!

Customer will hopefully finally deal with the weird characters that keep getting in his way of returning a broken video game. I'm almost done with this chapter too. One can only imagine what's to come next on VGR!
Thank you all for being patient. Just a little bit more and you'll be able to get your fix soon!

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Ten Dollars for Water!?
So I went to this place called Ricky's Cabaret with two of my best friends. Little did I know that it was a strip club until I got there. As soon as I walked in there were hot girls dancing topless. I ended up taking a quote from Castiel from Supernatural and said "This place makes me very happy."
Friday, April 8, 2011
Doctor Who Returns!
Well ladies and gentlemen and all Doctor Who fans alike, as you just saw in the video above Doctor Who will be making a triumphant return on BBC on April 23rd! :D
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Solved
Through out the years since 1950 the Bermuda Triangle (aka the Devil's Triangle) has been a great mystery. As it seems, every plane or ship that has entered the triangle has mysteriously disappeared. For many years this mystery had remained unsovled.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Where does Spam come from?
Do you all know where all that spam mail in your email account comes from? Well, believe it or not it comes from all the websites you visit. Every website, chat rooms, newsgroups, and etc. that you visit collects your collects your email addresses. Some viruses even harvest your address books from your accounts.
Supernatural Returns From Hiatus
Within two weeks Supernatural shall return from yet another hiatus. On April 15, the show will continue it's sixth season. So far this season has been going well. The "Mother of All" has been released from Purgatory. And who is this "Mother of All"? She is none other than Eve, wife of Adam (or so it seems).
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch is full of hot chicks, mecha, samurai, steam punk, sci fi, etc. It's basically a live action anime in a way. If you don't want any spoilers then I suggest you stop reading now, for I can only give it a detailed review if I mention all aspects of the movie.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Zombie Lane
Normally I review console or PC video games, but a Facebook game still technically falls into that category. Not to mention that I don't see the point in making a new category just for Facebook games.
This time I'll be reviewing a Facebook game I recently ran into called Zombie Lane. If I were to describe it, I'd say it's like Farmville but you constantly kill zombies in the process. Don't worry folks, it's not all based on growing crops. The farming is simply so you can restore energy when you run out.
This time I'll be reviewing a Facebook game I recently ran into called Zombie Lane. If I were to describe it, I'd say it's like Farmville but you constantly kill zombies in the process. Don't worry folks, it's not all based on growing crops. The farming is simply so you can restore energy when you run out.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
First Person Mario
One of my friends posted this on facebook. After seeing this I thought it was really cool and I ought to share it with everyone. I don't know about you guys but I'd definitly play this.

Not many people know this, but Dragonball is actually the prequel to the hit anime series Dragonball Z. Dragonball Z was one of the first anime to come to America and was brought here before it's prequel. When in reality Dragonball should've came here first.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Made In Cima
As always I'm looking around the internet thru the means of google and stumble upon. And as always I run into interesting websites in which I like to review, rant, and share to you. So today I'd like to share a website called Made In Cima.
Another Stickman Comic

The Chuck Norris Method
Another Stickman Comic is just as the name says. This is yet another webcomic that proves that you don't have to be a top artist to provide great quality and laughter. Infact, I often find the stick figure comics funnier. It's probably that the concentration is on the joke rather than the art work itself, but that's just my opinion.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Japan Earthquake Causes Great Shift
I recently stumbled upon some interesting news. Aparently, the 8.9 magnitude earthquake has caused Eastern Japan to actually shift 13 feet closer to North America. The earthquake was so powerful that it actually shifted the Earth's axis. This caused the planet to move faster and shortened the day by 1.6 micro seconds.
For more info check out Yahoo News.
If you wish to help out in any way please visit Red Cross.
For more info check out Yahoo News.
If you wish to help out in any way please visit Red Cross.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Crysis 2

Crysis 2 is one of the greatest games I have ever played in my life! Imagine Halo: Reach and Call of Duty combined. Although the game plays more like Call of Duty, you still see some aspects of Halo.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Dragonball Z: Super Saiyan Diagram

As I was looking around the Dragonball Wikia, I found out some interesting information about the Super Saiyan (aka Saiya-jin) Transformation. Apparently, there are other stages and forms as depicted in the diagram above. The ascended and ultra super saiyan forms are but extensions of the original transformation.
Japan In Chaos After Tsunami Hit
Recently, an earthquake erupted near Japan. This earthquake was of 8.9 magnitude! I'm no earthquake expert but even I know that that's huge. If the earthquake wasn't bad enough one can only imagine how much worst things got when the earthquake caused a Tsunami.
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Weekend Muffin
Well fellow followers of Ranters Review. I am happy to anounce my brand new website using blogspot. For those of you who haven't already noticed, I like making websites just for the fun of it. Well now I got yet another fun site in which I proudly work on every weekend hence its name.
I introduce to you "The Weekend Muffin"! This site is basicly where I'll post random stuff I have found throught the internet. Whether its funny, fails, porn, etc. If I find it interesting enough to share then I'll post it there.
So feel free to check out my muffin!.... Wait, that didn't sound right did it..... O.O....
The Weekend Muffin
I introduce to you "The Weekend Muffin"! This site is basicly where I'll post random stuff I have found throught the internet. Whether its funny, fails, porn, etc. If I find it interesting enough to share then I'll post it there.
So feel free to check out my muffin!.... Wait, that didn't sound right did it..... O.O....
The Weekend Muffin
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Video Game Returns: Hiatus
I regret to inform you all the readers of vgr that my webcomic will now go into hiatus for a good long while. Due to scanner issues I can not upload anymore pages. At the moment I can't get it fix so until then no new releases of Video Game Returns. But rest assured that once my scanners up and running again I will announce the latest page release.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Manga Comic Pro
Firstly, I'd like to apologize for the delay of this review. Due to web host issues I was unable to even access my site. Well now I'm back on and can continue to Rant and Review.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Webcomic Month: Cyanide & Happiness

Cyanide & Happiness @
Cyanide & Happiness is a hilarious webcomic that has been out since January 25, 2005. This is one of the few webcomics that proves that you don't need to be an expert artist just have good content for your webcomic to succeed.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Webcomic Month: Sequential Art
Well ladies and gentlemen, here you have it. The first installment of "Webcomic Month" is here at last! For the entire month I will be reviewing great webcomics in which I have found through out the world wide web.
For the first rant and review of Webcomic Month I decided to begin with the best, "Sequential Art". Created by the genius artist known as Phillip M Jackson. This Webcomic series revolve around four main characters: Art, Kat, Pip, and Scarlet.
For the first rant and review of Webcomic Month I decided to begin with the best, "Sequential Art". Created by the genius artist known as Phillip M Jackson. This Webcomic series revolve around four main characters: Art, Kat, Pip, and Scarlet.
Video Game Returns: Never Fear! For Fruity Potato is Here!
A new character has been unveiled. And from what is seems, he's here to save the day. For those of you who have been keeping up with VGR I'd like to thank you all. We are now at page eight of chapter two.
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